Returning Students Program
It's never too early to start thinking about where you'll be living next year.
You've got questions and we've got answers. Join us at one of our returning housing info sessions! You'll receive information about available housing options for returning students. We'll cover important topics such as on- vs. off-campus housing, and walk through the process for reserving your next housing space! Featuring ASUCD, Financial Aid, Transportation Services and Student Housing and Dining Services staff.
Living on campus this year and want to live on campus again next year? You can!
Students living in the residence halls and The Green at West Village for the 2021-2022 academic year are guaranteed housing in The Green at West Village for the 2022-2023 academic year!
Guaranteed Housing
Housing is guaranteed to all returning residents who complete the housing commitment process before January 18, 2021 at 11:59pm.
In addition to guaranteed housing, residents who submit prior to January 18 will pay a reduced reservation fee of $250 (50% savings from the standard $500 fee). To secure your returning housing, both the completed housing commitment and reservation fee must be received by the deadline. Secure your housing in just a few simple steps by logging into your myHousing Portal today.
Current residents who do not complete their housing commitment by January 18 will not be guaranteed housing for the 2021-2022 academic year. However, current residents may still apply for housing during the general housing application process. General housing applications will become available near the end of January 2021. Housing commitments received during this time will pay the full, standard $500 reservation fee.
Frequently-Asked Questions
FAQs for New Residents of The Green
Where will I live if I return to live with Student Housing?
Residents who complete the returning housing commitment and submit the $250 reservation fee by January 18, 2021 at 11:59pm will live in The Green at West Village apartments for the 2021-2022 academic year. After the January 18 deadline, residents who have not completed their housing commitment but who still wish to return will be able to submit their housing commitment starting in late January. Housing commitments received during this time are not guaranteed but will be accepted while space remains available.
How much does it cost to live in The Green at West Village?
The 2021-2022 Fee Schedule will become available later this quarter, and is subject to approval by the UC Regents, typically in May of each year. You may estimate next year's fees by reviewing the 2020-2021 The Green Fee Schedule, keeping in mind that fees typically increase 3-5% each academic year. When the 2021-2022 Fee Schedule becomes available, we will post it to this website.
How much is the reservation fee?
In addition to completing a housing commitment statement through the MyHousing Portal, residents will need to pay a reservation fee in order to complete their housing request. All reservation fees will be credited toward the first housing payment. Students new to housing pay the standard $500 reservation fee. Current residents returning for a subsequent year who complete the returning housing commitment prior to the January 18 deadline pay a reduced reservation fee of $250. Current residents returning for a subsequent year who complete the housing commitment after the January 18 deadline pay the full $500 reservation fee.
When going to pay my reservation fee, it shows that $500 is due. Is this correct?
Normally our reservation fee is $500, however, returning students who recommit and pay their reservation fee by January 18, 2021 receive a 50% discount on the reservation fee. In order to get the discount, just manually type in $250, instead of the $500 it asks for.
When do I pay my housing fees?
Housing payments are paid in three quarterly installments, once in Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter respectively. Residents requesting extended stay housing through breaks or summer housing may incur additional charges.
What is included in my housing fees?
Your housing fees are inclusive, meaning you will not receive additional bills for auxiliary housing costs. Housing fees include all utilities (electric, water, trash, heating, and cooling), as well as internet and on-demand streaming TV service (varies by housing area). Facilities and custodial support for regular maintenance and emergencies are also included for no additional charge. Please note, custodial services do not include regular cleaning of private spaces including bedrooms, common suite rooms, and student apartments. Residents are responsible for regular day to day cleaning of their space.
How does living in The Green impact my financial aid?
Deciding whether to live on or off campus may have an impact on your financial aid award package. It is recommended that residents check the potential financial implications of moving to a new area of campus prior to completing a housing commitment. Please contact your financial aid advisor for more information.
What happens if University Housing is advised to shelter in place or shut down again due to COVID-19 concerns?
UC Davis Student Housing and Dining Services, and University partners are consistently working with local county and state health officials. In the event COVID-19 protocols change, Student Housing and Dining Services will notify residents of any impacted services. Student Housing and Dining Services is committed to working with our residents to accommodate COVID-19 related concerns or issues as much as possible. For the latest campus wide information on COVID-19 and the university plan visit https://campusready.ucdavis.edu/plan.
Does COVID-19 impact my ability to have roommates in multi-occupancy rooms?
Yes, The Green at West Village is configured so that rooms allow sufficient physical distancing for multiple occupancy. This means residents may have roommates in a single room under current COVID-19 guidelines. As with all COVID-19 protocols, restrictions on multiple-occupancy rooms may change in the future.
Other Student Housing apartment complexes and the residence halls may have different allowances for multiple-occupancy rooms.
Can I get a meal plan if I live at The Green?
Yes, if you desire, you may add a Residential Meal Plan to your housing contract. However, meal plans are voluntary and not required when you live at The Green. Also, in addition to the 5-Day and 7-Day Residential Meal Plans, residents of The Green may opt for the 9-Meals-A-Week meal plan, our mini plan available only to residents of The Green.
Are there Community Advisors and other Housing Staff at The Green?
There is CA in each of the apartment building areas to support residents. The Green also has a team of professional staff members who manage the apartment complex to make sure maintenance issues are fixed and any major concerns are communicated to management. You may receive emails from both the complex managers and UC Davis Student Housing and Dining Services. Other modes of communication are available on The Green Facebook group.
If I am offered a Community Advisor or After Hours Assistant position, can I cancel my housing contract?
Yes, individuals who accept a Community Advisor (CA) or After Hours Assistant (AHA) position for the 2021-2022 academic year are eligible to cancel their Student Housing and Dining Services contract with no penalty.
FAQs for Current Residents of The Green
Where will I live if I return to live with Student Housing?
Residents who complete the returning housing commitment and submit the $250 reservation fee by January 18, 2021 at 11:59pm will live in The Green at West Village apartments for the 2021-2022 academic year. After the January 18 deadline, residents who have not completed their housing commitment but who still wish to return will be able to submit their housing commitment starting in late January. Housing commitments received during this time are not guaranteed but will be accepted while space remains available.
How much does it cost to live in The Green at West Village?
The 2021-2022 Fee Schedule will become available later this quarter, and is subject to approval by the UC Regents, typically in May of each year. You may estimate next year's fees by reviewing the 2020-2021 The Green Fee Schedule, keeping in mind that fees typically increase 3-5% each academic year. When the 2021-2022 Fee Schedule becomes available, we will post it to this website.
How much is the reservation fee?
In addition to completing a housing commitment statement through the MyHousing Portal, residents will need to pay a reservation fee in order to complete their housing request. All reservation fees will be credited toward the first housing payment. Students new to housing pay the standard $500 reservation fee. Current residents returning for a subsequent year who complete the returning housing commitment prior to the January 18 deadline pay a reduced reservation fee of $250. Current residents returning for a subsequent year who complete the housing commitment after the January 18 deadline pay the full $500 reservation fee.
When going to pay my reservation fee, it shows that $500 is due. Is this correct?
Normally our reservation fee is $500, however, returning students who recommit and pay their reservation fee by January 18, 2021 receive a 50% discount on the reservation fee. In order to get the discount, just manually type in $250, instead of the $500 it asks for.
Can I stay in my unit?
Yes! Current residents of The Green at West Village who complete the returning housing commitment process can remain in their current unit and bedspace. Remaining in the same bedspace means you can stay in your unit with no transfer fees. Additionally, there will be no break in service for residents who are remaining in the same bedspace.
What if I cannot stay in my current unit?
We're excited you want to stay with us again. Unfortunately, there may be some circumstances where residents wish to remain in their current bedspace but will be unable to do so. This could be due to a temporary reconfiguration of the space or due to the space being dedicated to another use next year. In the event this will affect returning residents, those individuals will be contacted directly by Student Housing and Dining Services. In order to accommodate the move into a new space, residents required to move will not be charged the $250 room transfer fee and will be given priority for selecting a new unit. Returning residents may assume they are able to remain in their unit unless otherwise notified.
In the event a required move results in a break in service, Student Housing and Dining Services will work with the resident to find alternate housing if possible. We are unable to guarantee alternate housing to residents during the break-in service period.
I'm going to stay in The Green but can I move to another unit?
While returning residents are able to request a move to a new unit within The Green at West Village, it is strongly encouraged that all residents remain in their current unit unless absolutely necessary. Returning residents who complete the returning housing commitment and submit the $250 reservation fee by the January 18, 2020 deadline will still be guaranteed housing. However, in order to clean and prepare your old apartment for a new unit, residents who move will also incur a $250 unit transfer fee (in addition to the reservation fee). Additionally, cleaning and preparing your old apartment will result in a break in service. This means that residents transferring to a new unit will have to vacate their old apartment but won't immediately be able to move into the new unit. There will be a period of multiple days during which residents transferring will be responsible for finding their own accommodations off-campus at their own cost.
Will my transfer fee be credited toward my housing payments?
No, residents who elect to move into a new unit will pay a $250 transfer fee in addition to the housing reservation fee. Transfer fees are not credited toward housing payments. The transfer fee is used to cover the costs associated with cleaning and preparing the vacated unit for a new occupant.
The housing reservation fee paid by all housing residents will be credited towards each resident's first housing payment.
I'm a returning resident but I want to live with someone who is not, can we live together?
Yes, one of the benefits of returning with housing is participating in the roommate selection process. Roommate selection generally begins in late January. During that process returning residents will be able to select roommates, including those who are not returning residents, provided their proposed roommates have also submitted their housing commitment and reservation fee.
The contract you will sign is between you and CHF-Davis I, LLC, a private-limited liability company. CHF-Davis I, LLC is neither owned nor controlled by the University or the Regents of the University of California. The University of California is a public trust administered by the corporation of the REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA and, except as otherwise indicated, acting as the agent of CHF-Davis I, LLC
Housing Resources
Information Sessions
We are hosting several in-person information sessions and one Zoom webinar where Student Housing and Dining Services staff and campus partners will be available to answer your questions about campus and community housing.
In-Person Session #1 — Segundo
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 6–7 PM
Regan Main
Space is Limited
In-Person Session #2 — Tercero
Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 6–7 PM
Scrub Oak Hall
Space is Limited
In-Person Session #3 — Orchard Park
Thursday, December 5, 2024, 6–7 PM
Orchard Park Community Center
Space is Limited
In-Person Session #4 — The Green
Friday, December 6, 2024, 6–7 PM
The Green Community Center
Space is Limited
Zoom Webinar
Friday, January 3, 2025, 6–7 PM
Register for the January 3 Zoom Webinar
A recording will be available after the webinar.
ASUCD Fall Housing Fair 2024
ASUCD hosts the Fall Housing Fair 2024, an event to inform students about and how to obtain housing in Davis. Dozens of apartment communities attend every year.
The Fall Housing Fair (formerly "Housing Day") is Wednesday, November 13, 2024 on the Quad.
Community Housing Resources
Meal Plan Options
Aggie Block Meal Plans
Students don't have to live on campus again to have a campus meal plan! UC Davis Dining Services offers Aggie Block Meal Plans for UC Davis students who do not live in the residence halls or The Green at West Village.
Residential Meal Plans
Students who live in Student Housing their second year will receive a Residential Meal Plan, just like their first year.
Renters Insurance Option
Any renter should consider acquiring renters insurance, whether they live in a residence hall, an apartment, or a house. UC Davis recommends GradGuardTM Renters Insurance for all students.
Note: residents of The Green at West Village are required to have renters insurance. Residents may select appropriate renters insurance from the company of their choosing and are not required to use GradGuardTM Renters Insurance.
Why Renters Insurance Is Valuable
If your laptop or other valuables are stolen or damaged, you are responsible for replacing them, not the university. Renters Insurance provides valuable protection if your personal belongings are stolen or damaged as a result of a covered event, including* laptop computers, smart phones, bicycles, game consoles, textbooks, clothing and other personal items. Renters Insurance also protects you financially for unintentional damage to your university housing or apartment or bodily injury for which you are liable.
*Coverage varies by plan; refer to your renters insurance policy for coverage specifics; the above list reflects the coverage provided by the GradGuardTM Renters Insurance plan.
Students who live in Student Housing (residence halls or SHA) are automatically enrolled to receive more information about the GradGuardTM Renters Insurance plan. They may accept or decline coverage during the Student Housing Application Process.