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Segundo DC, Tercero DC, Cuarto DC and Latitude Restaurant are currently closed. They will reopen Thursday, May 26, 2022. All other dining locations are open during their regular schedules.

UC Davis is committed to equal access. If you need to request an accommodation or assistance, please ask a staff member at the event.

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Student Housing and Dining Services
2-Year Guaranteefor Students Who Enter UC Davis in Fall Quarter 2020*

UC Davis guarantees on-campus housing to all incoming first-year freshman, transfer students, and second-year returning students. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, UC Davis may withdraw or amend this guarantee in the case of public health guidance or other extenuating circumstances.

Research shows living on campus is correlated with academic success. All incoming freshman and transfer students entering UC Davis for fall quarter are guaranteed on-campus housing for their first two years at UC Davis.

The 2-year housing guarantee is defined as 6 consecutive quarters, excluding summer. Living with Student Housing and Dining Services for a second year is not required to receive guaranteed student housing for the first year.


Single freshmen, under the age of 24, will be housed in on-campus Student Housing residence halls their first year and on-campus Student Housing residence halls or apartments during their second year.

Transfer Students

Single transfer students will be housed in on-campus Student Housing apartments during their first and second years.

Guarantee Conditions

  • Meet all UC Davis and Student Housing and Dining Services deadlines
  • Enter UC Davis during the fall quarter and maintain continuous residence in on-campus housing during the academic year
  • Adhere to all Terms and Conditions of the housing contract and residential policies

*View the Student Housing Guarantee for Students who entered UC Davis in fall quarter 2019