Cuarto Area
Winter 2023 Information for Moving In
Check-In Day
Refer to your online assignment information for your check-in date.
Check-In Location and Time
Cuarto Area Service Desk.
Remember to check in during your scheduled check-in appointment.
Please Note: Students must check in during their move-in appointment. There is no after-hours check-in.
After checking in and unloading your belongings, please check in with the Community Advisor on your floor.
In case of emergency only, please call the Cuarto Area Service Desk (530-752-7986).
Photo Identification Required
Please bring your AggieCard (or another photo ID) to check in. You won't be able to check in without it.

Parking on Campus
Please park in a parking space on Oxford Circle. Additional parking may be found along Wake Forest Drive, West Eighth Street or Sycamore Lane.
NOTE: Permits are required for all UC Davis parking lots. Be sure to read the permit information at the entrance to the parking lot and follow the instructions; parking regulations will be enforced.

Driving to UC Davis
Arriving from Hwy 113:
- Exit Russell Blvd. eastbound
- Turn left on Sycamore Lane
- Turn left on Wake Forest Drive
- Turn left into Oxford Circle to check in at the Cuarto Area Service Desk