Student Housing and Dining Services is conducting on-site interviews for specific positions. Submit an application in advance of the Career Fair for each desired position to participate in interviews. Additional information about the process will be provided following an RSVP.

Location and Time

The Career Fair is in the Wall Hall Lounge on February 19, 2025 from 10 AM–4 PM.

RSVP for the Career Fair

RSVP now for the Career Fair.

Available Positions

Go to the Career Employment Opportunities webpage to see all of our open positions.


Positions include the following benefits:

  • Medical
  • Dental
  • Vision
  • Retirement/Savings Plan
  • Vacation and Sick Leave
  • Competitive Starting Salary
  • Development Opportunity/Opportunity to Grow

Potter Hall Floor Plans

First Floor

Potter Hall, First Floor

Second Floor

Potter Hall, Second Floor

Third Floor

Potter Hall, Third Floor

Fourth Floor

Potter Hall, Fourth Floor

Legend defines colors used in the floorplans

Please note: floorplans are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not to be used for construction. Although we endeavor to provide truthful representation, we do not in any way warrant the accuracy of the floorplan information and the floorplan layout and measurements may contain errors and omissions. Drawings are not to scale; do not scale drawings.