Due to a union strike, some of our dining locations are closed April 1.

Buy an Aggie Swipe Plus Meal Plan or Aggie Cash

Purchase Plans at the Meal Card Office

Aggie Swipe Plus Meal Plans and Aggie Cash may be purchased in person at the Meal Card Office, located on the 3rd floor of the Segundo Services Center, and by telephone at 530-752-6335.

Submit A Purchase Form

Students need to complete the Aggie Swipe Plus / Aggie Cash Purchase Form (pdf). The form may be emailed to shdsmealcard@ucdavis.edu. Someone will contact them within one business day. Alternatively, the form may be brought into the meal card office to complete the purchase.

Note: Residential Meal Plans are included in the residence hall contract or The Green at West Village contract and cannot be purchased separately. For questions regarding these plans please contact Student Housing at 530-752-2033 or studenthousing@ucdavis.edu. Please visit the Dining Services Office to inquire about faculty and staff meal plans.

Reload Aggie Cash at Most Dining Locations

If you already have Aggie Cash (e.g., your Aggie Cash account was previously created), additional Aggie Cash may be purchased from any Dining Services location that accepts Aggie Cash, including residential markets and Silo Market, the dining commons, restaurants including Spokes Grill, Silo Market and Sage Street Market | Cafe, and our coffee shops. Please note that Aggie Cash cannot be purchased from Food Trucks.

Payment Options

When purchasing Aggie Swipe Plus Meal Plans and/or Aggie Cash in person, you may pay with cash, credit and debit cards, and by check; please make checks out to UC Regents. When making a purchase over the phone, you must use a credit card (payments are taken over a secure line). We cannot charge student accounts for Aggie Swipe Plus Meal Plans and Aggie Cash purchases. Aggie Swipe Plus Meal Plans and Aggie Cash must be paid for at the time of purchase.

Replacing an AggieCard

If you ever replace your AggieCard (ID card), you must bring your new AggieCard to the Meal Card Office to be added to your Meal Plan Account.

Dining Services charges a $10 fee to replace Aggie Cash cards and Dining Meal cards. Dining Services also charges a $25 administrative fee to process all refund requests.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Aggie Swipe meal plan must be paid in full at the time of purchase.
  2. Aggie Swipe meal plan purchases cannot be charged to student's account.
  3. Aggie Swipe meal plan is purchased voluntarily and on an as needed basis.
  4. Aggie Swipe meal plan swipes can be used without limit per day.
  5. Aggie Swipe meal plan swipes can only be used at the Dining Commons.
  6. Aggie Swipe meal plan does not automatically come with Aggie Cash.
  7. Aggie Cash is sold separately dollar for dollar.
  8. Aggie Cash can be used at any Dining location, Campus Food Trucks and ASUCD locations.
  9. A 10% discount is applied when paying with Aggie Cash. Except for at ASUCD locations and limited Food Trucks.
  10. There will be a $10 fee for lost Meal Card and/or Aggie Cash Cards.
  11. Aggie Swipes and Aggie Cash will be deactivated if the account is inactive for more than a 12-month period.
  12. Aggie Swipe meal plan refunds are requested through the Meal Card Office at the Segundo Services Center.
  13. All student refund request will be processed through Banner, any outstanding student fees will be deducted from the meal plan refund first before a check is distributed.
  14. All refund requests are subject to a $25 processing fee. In addition to the $25 processing fee, a $0.50 card return fee will also be added to meal card ordered requesting refunds for unused swipes.
  15. Student refund requests take approximately 21 days to process, and a check will be sent to the address noted in the student's account at UCD My Account. Refunds can be received through direct deposit if it is set up prior to the request being sent.
  16. Kick-Start refund requests will only be refunded on the portion that was paid out of pocket.
  17. Non-student refunds are sent to housingap@ucdavis.edu.