Egghead Collector's Cups - Complete your collection! Exclusively at Spokes over the summer, while supplies last.

Egghead Collector's Cups

Complete your collection! $5 each.

Exclusively at Spokes over the summer. Available while supplies last.

Regular Hours

  • Open 5 days a week

  • Monday–Thursday: 10 AM–6:30 PM
  • Friday: 10 AM–5 PM
  • Saturday–Sunday: Closed

Contact Us


Spokes is located in the Silo restaurant complex. Entrances are located on the north side of the Silo and from the central outdoor Silo patio.

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Your feedback matters, and we encourage you to share your valued thoughts with us. Whether you have suggestions, praise, or specific requests, we're all ears! Email us at to make your voice heard and help shape the dining choices we offer.