Room Choices
Prospective residents may indicate their ideal room choices when applying for the residence halls. Room attributes they may consider are occupancy, gender identity and Living-Learning Community
Occupancy refers to the number of residents in each room. Rooms are available in double-occupancy (two people total) and triple-occupancy (three people total). Most rooms are triple-occupancy; demand for double-occupancy rooms usually exceeds the availability; demand for triple-occupancy usually meets the availability.
Occupancy affects residence hall fee rates. Applicants are encouraged to form triple roommate groups since room choices are not guaranteed.
Limited single-occupancy rooms are available. Students can indicate interest in a single-occupancy room by placing themselves on the Residence Hall Single Waitlist. Students will find out if they have been assigned to a single room in late August when assignments are announced.

Single Occupancy

Double Occupancy

Triple Occupancy
Living-Learning Communities
Applicants may request to live in a Living-Learning Community, which is a community with a special interest theme attached to it. Depending on the location and size of the program community, there may be limited gender and occupancy configurations available. For students who are assigned to a Living-Learning Community, participation in program activities is optional.
Some communities may offer an optional academic component and/or a seminar. Students who enroll in an academic option and register for the one- or two-unit course component (seminar) must attend all class sessions and complete all required assignments.
Living in a Living-Learning Community has no affect on residence hall fee rates.
Note: Room choice criteria are preferred living characteristics; please be aware that Student Housing makes every attempt to meet all preference requests but cannot guarantee that all room choices will be accommodated.