- Table of Contents
- I. Introduction
- II. Department Profile
- III. Our Strategic Initiatives
- Initiative: Expand Services to New and Underserved Student Populations
- Initiative: Embrace Diversity and Strive for Inclusive and Organizational Excellence
- Initiative: Pursue Operational Excellence and Outgrow Our Reputation
- Initiative: Mitigate COVID-19, Recover and Build Forward
- IV. Next Steps
- Appendix A: Strategic Plan Process and Timeline
- Appendix B: UC Davis and Student Affairs Resources & Documents
- Appendix C: Student Housing and Dining Services Resources and Documents
- Appendix D: Residence Halls and The Green at West Village Bed Space Supply and Demand, fall 2020-spring 2026
- Appendix E: COVID-19 Budget Impact Summary
- Full Strategic Plan
Student Housing and Dining Services Strategic Plan2021
IX. Appendix D - Campus Assessment and Service Agreements—2012-2013
Campus Support / Agreements | Amount | Comments |
Overhead Recovery Auxilliary DCA | $2,674,680 | Includes DCA for Police, Fire, central campus accounting, purchasing, cashiers, HR, payroll and 3% income assessment |
Fire Prevention DCA | $12,086 | Additional costs that weren’t included in the Fire DCA mention above |
SSC Support | $62,473 | SSC Recharge True up for 2011-2012 costs |
SSC Support | $761,775 | SSC Recharge for 2012-2013 costs |
Student Affairs SSC Reduction | $396,320 | Student Affairs 2012-2013 SSC budget reduction |
Student Accounting DCA | $8,820 | |
Grounds DCA | $978,918 | |
OP Tax Assessment | $757,995 | 1.52% OP tax assessment on all 2010-2011 expenses |
OP Tax Assessment | $27,264 | Additional OP tax assessment on 2010-2011 expenses from the Retail and Hyatt Labor |
Subtotal Campus Support | $5,680,330 |
Student Affairs Support / Assessments | Amount | Comments |
Contribution to VCSA and SJA | $341,000 | |
SAMC Marketing Comm. Specialist position | $61,354 | |
Conference Housing Surcharge | $71,835 | Student Affairs assessment on each conference guest |
Housing VSP/Supervisor ratio reduction | $219,632 | |
Contribution to Student Life units | $20,000 | Contribution is reviewed annually |
Subtotal Student Affairs Support | $713,820 |
Total Support / Assessments | Amount | Comments |
Total | $6,394,151 |