Residence Hall Furniture
Each residence hall student gets:
- Bed
- Dresser (or built-in chest of drawers)
- A closet or wardrobe
- A desk and desk chair
- A small bookshelf
- A desk lamp.
Each room includes the following to be shared by roommates:
- A MicroFridge®
- A wastebasket
- A recycling bin
All beds are extra-long twin size, measuring 36" x 80" x 8".
Rearranging Furniture
Students are allowed to rearrange their furniture to suit their preferences. When rearranging furniture, the following rules must be followed:
- All furniture must be returned to their original locations before move-out at the end of the year (suggestion: take photographs or make sketches of original furniture locations before rearranging)
- Student Housing does not rearrange furniture for students; Student Housing DOES perform some bed reconfigurations
- Furniture must be rearranged BEFORE Student Housing performs any bed reconfigurations
Bed Configurations
There are three general types of bed configurations: Standard Single Bed, Bunked Bed, and Lofted Bed (see graphics below).

Bed Heights
Bed height from floor to the bottom of the bed rail* are as follows:
- Lowest: 10 inches
- Standard: 19.5 inches
- Captain/Highest: 31.5 inches
- Top Bunk or Lofted: 5 feet
*Approximate heights due to the variations of bed frame styles
Bed Reconfiguration Requests
Bed Configuration Requests must be submitted within the First TWO weeks of EVERY Quarter and will be performed for rooms with new residents only. Requests received after that date will require special approval and will need to go through Accommodations for approval. Students will be given 24 hours advanced notice of the date of reconfigure, along with instructions for preparing their space for reconfiguration. Reconfigurations will be prioritized for triple rooms on a first come, first served basis, with doubles and singles being considered after the triple room requests have been fulfilled; however, reconfigure supplies are limited and we cannot guarantee that all reconfigure requests will be honored (even in tripled rooms).
To be placed on the list for reconfiguration, please submit a Service Request.
Note: Due to the increased quantity of furniture in triple-occupancy rooms, some configurations may not be possible.
Use of Ladders and Guardrails for Lofted and Bunked Beds
Bed ends are intentionally designed to be used as ladders to get into and out of your bed. If you do not feel comfortable using bed ends this way, Student Housing does have special ladders which attach to the side of your bed. If you would like a ladder, you must submit a Service Request. Be sure to select the "Bed Ladder" option or your request will be rejected. Ladders removed or improperly installed by residents present a serious risk of injury from a fall. An attached ladder can only be used if the bed is properly configured and approved by Housing maintenance staff. Ladders will NOT work at all bed heights. In addition, guardrails have been or will be installed on the open side of all bunked and lofted beds to help you avoid rolling out of your bed. Guardrails are REQUIRED on all bunked and lofted beds and cannot be removed.
Other Bed Modifications
Students may not modify their beds beyond what the beds are designed to accommodate. This includes adding their own hardware (including their own ladders), and adding spacers, risers or other devices in order to change their bed height or configuration.
All Requests for Bed Configuration Changes must be submitted no later than the last day of winter quarter each year. Changes received after this date will be performed by exception only.